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Holiday Safety 2024
Read nowThere is no question the holidays are fun for us and our dogs especially when family or guests are over. But things can take a quick turn for the worst if your dog laps up some alcohol or accidentally consumes...
Extraordinary Dog Trainer Sara Carson of America's Got Talent
Read nowWe are so excited to have Sara Carson's Super Collies enjoying Sancho & Lola’s chews. Sara is an accomplished trainer who gained fame on America’s Got Talent and now travels around the USA with her exciting trick and dog dancing...
4th of July Safety Tips
Read nowTop 4th of July Safety Tips 1.When barbequing make sure your guests are not feeding your dog table scraps. Multiple guests feeding your pleading pooch fatty foods can lead to pancreatitis. Supervise your pets so they do not jump on...
Feeding Pets of the Homeless
Read nowMany Americans are just one paycheck away from being homeless. Up to 3.5 million Americans experience homelessness every year. Up to 10% experiencing homelessness have pets. It's heartbreaking when we see someone homeless on the street and...